If you want to trade with BNB FTM MATIC AVAX ONE KCS TH or Tokens on Komodo Wallet you need native chaincoins
The problem is if you don't have BNB/FTM/MATIC/ONE/AVAX/ETH you can't buy native coins because you need to spent the deposit and pay the transaction fee in chain coins.

With this Service you can convert a small amount of KMD instantly into the chain coin. Simply send any amount lower than 10 KMD (for ETH less than 300 KMD but at least 30KMD) to the dedicated Convertion address on the KMD Blockchain.
There is a 10% + trxcost fee which will apply. If you send more than 10 KMD (ETH 300KMD) I try to refund it as soon as possible
Only send KMD coins from inside Komodo Wallet (Desktop or Mobile) or mm2 on CLI. If you send it from a CEX the coins will be credited to the CEX and lost

KMD Deposit Convertion Addresses:
1) send 7 KMD to RBNBgasHgfPFCyDctsE3DVjhDExE6Vggnw from inside Komodo Wallet
2) you will receive approx. 0.0022264182038101 BNB to your Komodo Wallet BNB Address
3) you are ready to trade BEP Tokens like USDT-BEP20 (open Orderbook)

1) send 1 KMD to RFTMgaSkb4dJJMwjZkFW1pzvAhVJvf42qa from inside Komodo Wallet
2) you will receive approx. 0.32371203889048 FTM to your Komodo Wallet FTM Address
3) you are ready to trade FTM Tokens like USDT-FTM20 (open Orderbook)

1) send 2 KMD to RMATicGasKmDC3qujxDSAo8JDjuHRPrWY6 from inside Komodo Wallet
2) you will receive approx. 1.2178936215076 MATIC to your Komodo Wallet MATIC Address
3) you are ready to trade MATIC Tokens like USDT-PLG20 (open Orderbook)

1) send 0.5 KMD to RHMnYgaShqcWpzYu6q1syf8uA2WZD1aoRZ from inside Komodo Wallet
2) you will receive approx. 1.0416614240649 ONE to your Komodo Wallet ONE Address
3) you are ready to trade ONE (Harmony) Tokens like USDT-HRC20 (open Orderbook)

1) send 2 KMD to RAVAXGast9pkgh8sDi7d2BLN69yztk3aJ8 from inside Komodo Wallet
2) you will receive approx. 0.01187572815534 AVAX to your Komodo Wallet AVAX Address
3) you are ready to trade AVAX Tokens like USDT-AVX20 (open Orderbook)

1) send 2 KMD to RKCSgasBHpScaNQWinNksXShhQHySPGSE2 from inside Komodo Wallet
2) you will receive approx. 0.041205272168256 KCS to your Komodo Wallet KCS Address
3) you are ready to trade KCS Tokens like USDT-KCS20 (open Orderbook)

1) send 50 KMD to RETHgasntCcvJaiSvubqbmcZuZEKVgfJ5J from inside Komodo Wallet
2) you will receive approx. 0.0035366323553696 ETH to your Komodo Wallet ETH Address
3) you are ready to trade ETH Tokens like BUSD-ERC20 (open Orderbook)